Monday, June 15, 2015

CIZE - The End of Exercize is coming!

Get into great shape at home with Shaun T's newest, intense dance fitness program. You'll have so much fun challenging yourself to master the dance choreography during this program that you won't even realize you are getting a great cardio workout. CIZE truly is "The end of exercize." What Makes CIZE Unique? •Learn music video style dance choreography in the comfort of your own home •Seemingly complex moves broken down into their basic elements to make learning challenging dance moves seem simple and fun •It's fun, but it takes hard work to truly master the whole sequence of moves...that's why it's an intense cardio, fat burning, calorie scorching workout You can now invite folks to submit their information so they can be the first to find out about CIZE when it's available. Simply send this link and include the Coach Rep ID at the end:

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